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Chromium picolinate CAS 14639-25-9


The appearance of chromium picolinate is purple-red crystalline fine powder, with good fluidity, stable chemical properties at room temperature, slightly soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, and the chromium in it is trivalent chromium. The entire molecular structure is electrically neutral and has hydrophobic properties, so it can be absorbed across the membrane with a complete structure, and the molecular structure is similar to that of GTF.

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Product Name: Chromium picolinate

Product Information

CAS No: 14639-25-9

Molecular Formula:C18H12CrN3O6

Molecular Weight: 418.3


Item  Specifications
Appearance: Fine powedr
Color: Red
Odor: Characteristic
Taste: Characteristic
Assay: 98.9%
Chromium(Cr): 12.31%
Sieve Analysis: 100% through 80 mesh
Loss on Drying: 0.9%
Lead(Pb): conforms
Arsenic(As): conforms
Cadmium(Cd): <0.1ppm
Mercury(Hg): <0.1ppm
Chloride(Cl): conforms
Sulfate(SO4): conforms
Bulk density: 0.67g/ml


(1) As a feed additive:

  1. Increase the output rate of livestock and poultry meat, eggs, milk and pups and the survival rate ofpups;
  2. Promote the rapid growth of hypoglycemic and fat-reducing livestock and poultry, andimprove feed return rate;
  3. Regulate endocrine and enhance reproductive performance of livestock andpoultry;
  4. Improve carcass quality and lean meatrate;
  5. Reduce the stress of livestock and poultry and enhance the anti-stress ability of livestock and poultry;
  6. Improve the immune function of livestock and poultry and reduce the risk of livestock and poultrybreeding

Package: 25kg/ bag;


Keep in a well-closed,light-resistant, dry and cool place.


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