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Boron Nitride Cas 10043-11-5

The crystal structure is divided into hexagonal boron nitride (HBN), dense hexagonal boron nitride (WBN) and cubic boron nitride, in which the crystal structure of hexagonal boron nitride has a similar graphite lamellar structure, showing loose, lubricious, easy to absorb moisture, light and other properties of white powder, so it is also called “white graphite”.

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Product Name:Boron nitride

Synonym: BN


Item Specifications
CAS No. 10043-11-5
Molecular Formula BN
Molecular Weight 24.82
Appearance White Powder
Assay   ≥98.5%
Melting point 170-174℃
Particle size(80ppm)  ≥87%

Packing: 25kg/Bag



The crystal structure is divided into hexagonal boron nitride (HBN), dense hexagonal boron nitride (WBN) and cubic boron nitride, in which the crystal structure of hexagonal boron nitride has a similar graphite lamellar structure, showing loose, lubricious, easy to absorb moisture, light and other properties of white powder, so it is also called “white graphite”. Therefore, it is also called “white graphite”. The expansion coefficient of hexagonal boron nitride is equivalent to quartz, but the thermal conductivity is ten times that of quartz. It also has good lubricity at high temperature, is an excellent high temperature solid lubricant, has strong neutron absorption, is chemically stable and chemically inert to almost all molten metals.



Mold release agent for metal molding and lubricant for metal drawing; special electrolytic and resistive material under high temperature; solid lubricant; heat sealing desiccant for transistor and additive for plastic resin and other polymers; pressed into various shapes of boron nitride products, which can be used as high temperature, high pressure, insulation and heat dissipation parts; heat shielding material in aerospace industry; with the participation of catalyst, cubic boron nitride can be transformed into hard as diamond by high temperature and high pressure treatment.



Stored in a cool dry and ventilated place


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