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Organic Intermediate/Raw materials

Potassium fluorosilicate CAS 16871-90-2

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Product Name: Potassium fluorosilicate


Potassium hexafluorosilicate

Molecular Structure:


Item Specifications
CAS No. 16871-90-2
Molecular Formula K2SiF6
Molecular Weight 220.26
Appearance White crystalline powder
K/AI 1.18-1.22

Packing: 25kg/Bag; 50kg/Bag



Mainly used as a raw material for producing aluminum magnesium casting boron containing alloys; Deoxidizers and fluxes used in the manufacturing process of aluminum alloys; Fiber welding flux and flux for aluminum, aluminum alloy, and stainless steel; Popular materials for friction agents; Used in the glass and ceramic industries.


Mainly used as a raw material for producing aluminum magnesium casting boron containing alloys; Deoxidizers and fluxes used in the manufacturing process of aluminum alloys; Fiber welding flux and flux for aluminum, aluminum alloy, and stainless steel; Popular materials for friction agents; Used in the glass and ceramic industries.



Stored in a cool dry and ventilated place.


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