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Agar CAS 9002-18-0


Because of its special gelling properties, agar has remarkable stability, hysteresis and hysteresis, and it is easy to absorb water and has a special stabilizing effect; it has been widely used in food, medicine, chemical industry, textile, national defense and other fields. In the food industry, it has excellent effects as extenders, thickeners, emulsifiers, gelling agents, stabilizers, excipients, suspending agents, and moisture retention agents.

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Product Name: Agar-agar

CAS No.:9002-18-0

Molecular Formula:C14H24O9

Molecular weight336.33496

Items Specification Test results
Appearance Pale yellow to offwhite powder Qualified
Loss on drying (105℃) ,w/% ≤12.0 8.4
Total ash (550℃) , w/% ≤5.0 1.6
Gel strength

(1.5%,20℃,4h), g/cm²

900- 1000 952
Particle size(80 mesh) 95% passed Qualified
Starch test Negative Qualified
Gelatin test Negative Qualified
Acid-insoluble ash, w/% ≤0.5 Qualified
Water-insoluble matter , w/% ≤1.0 Qualified
Lead (Pb) ,mg/kg ≤5.0 Qualified
Arsenic (As),mg/kg ≤3.0 Qualified
Cadmium(Cd),mg/kg ≤1.0 Qualified
Mercury(Hg),mg/kg ≤1.0 Qualified
Total plate count  (CFU/g) ≤5000 500
Yeast and moulds (CFU/g) ≤300 Qualified
E.Coli Absent in 5 g Qualified
Salmonella Absent in 5 g Qualified


Product Name Agar-agar
Product Code Q90E Quantity 500g Shelf Life 24 Months
Batch Number GF2021122415 Net Weight 500g/Bag MFG Date 2021. 11. 19
Executive Standard E406

Packing: 25KG/BAG


Agar can be used as food thickener, silk sizing agent, laxative, as well as adhesives, thickeners and capsules of medicines, as well as bacterial culture medium, immobilized enzyme carrier, bacterial encapsulation material and electrophoresis medium.



Avoiding light and drying.


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