Office: 86-0531-88779666

Factory: 86-18560079132


Triacetin CAS 102-76-1


  1. Uses as plasticizers, fragrance fixatives, ink solvents, and also used in the synthesis of medicines and dyes Plasticizer; absorbs carbon dioxide from natural gas. According to the provisions of my country’s GB2760-96, it is allowed to be used in spices.
  2. Uses Used as spice fixative, solvent and toughening agent. It is used in the production of cosmetics, medicine and dyes, as a plasticizer for cigarette filter rods, etc.
  3. Uses as cigarette filter binder and flavor fixative, solvent, toughening agent. And can be used in cosmetics, casting, medicine, dyes and other industries. This product is non-toxic and non-irritating.
  4. Applications Determination of lipase substrates, fragrance fixatives, solvents, gas chromatography fixatives (maximum use temperature 85°C, solvents are methanol, chloroform), separation and analysis of gases and aldehydes.
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Product Name:Triacetin

Molecular Structure:


Items  Standard
CAS No 102-76-1
Molecular Formula C9H14O6
Molecular weight 218.2
Appearance Clear colorless odorless liquid
Triacetin content ≥99.5
Acidity (As HAC) ≤0.01
Moisture ≤0.05
Color(Pt-Co) ≤15
Refractive index 1.430-1.435
Specific Gravity 1.154-1.164
As ≤0.0001
Pb ≤0.0005
Residue on Ignition ≤0.05



240kg/drum 1150kg/IBC drum 22-25Tons/ISO TANK



Used as chlorinating agent, catalyst, dehydrating agent.



  1. Uses as plasticizers, fragrance fixatives, ink solvents, and also used in the synthesis of medicines and dyes Plasticizer; absorbs carbon dioxide from natural gas. According to the provisions of my country’s GB2760-96, it is allowed to be used in spices.
  2. Uses Used as spice fixative, solvent and toughening agent. It is used in the production of cosmetics, medicine and dyes, as a plasticizer for cigarette filter rods, etc.
  3. Uses as cigarette filter binder and flavor fixative, solvent, toughening agent. And can be used in cosmetics, casting, medicine, dyes and other industries. This product is non-toxic and non-irritating.
  4. Applications Determination of lipase substrates, fragrance fixatives, solvents, gas chromatography fixatives (maximum use temperature 85°C, solvents are methanol, chloroform), separation and analysis of gases and aldehydes.


1.Keepcontainers tightlysealed

2.Store in a cool dry ventilated place



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